In the spirit of Inquiry, we would like you to answer the three questions that you feel most strongly about after listening to the podcasts and reading the article.
1. In your experience, do you think girls or boys are more successful in your classes? What do you attribute this to (for example, teaching methods, classroom climate, material used)?
2. Give examples of gender bias you've seen against boys and against girls in your teaching experience. How do you think these could be eliminated?
3. If you could make one change in your classroom to encourage equity, what would it be? Would this be an easy change to make?
4. If you could ask your provincial curriculum developers to make one change to encourage equity in education, what would it be?
5. Sadker and Zittleman (2005) state "Girls receive higher report card grades throughout their schooling career. Boys outscore girls on most high-stakes tests, including both the verbal and math sections of the SATs". What do you think of this? In your experience, is this true?
6. Considering the "attribution theory", what steps do you think teachers can take to help students interpret their successes and failures in appropriate and objective ways?
7. If you think objectively about the materials you use in your classroom and the displays and messages in your school, what are they saying about female accomplishments? Is gender equally represented?